Where are you

on this journey towards renewing our connections with the living world?

At Incubation

Are you forming an idea that has yet to launch? This stage offers an incredible opportunity to do the deep inner work to understand what intention, values and underlying beliefs will influence the formation of the idea. When engaging in this stage, we help you discover the person, their story and vision for how the idea can take form in a regenerative way.

At Inception

Is your venture, project or fund alive and running? We can help you analyze and design the roadmap beginning with where you are to refine the foundational agreements and ways of being to expand your capacity for transformational impact within the ecosystem you are participating in.

At Inflection

Do have an established enterprise, investment vehicle or project but are seeking to make a conscious shift towards a regenerative economy? What direction will you take and how do you ensure that all stakeholders align with the new direction? What changes in structure, formation, culture and communication is necessary to shift fully and to shift well? Through our approach, we’ll go deep with you to uncover the path and guide the transformational process with stakeholders along into this new horizon.

At an Impasse

Are you aware of moments of conflict occurring internally or externally, where members or engagement with people and landscapes has fallen out of alignment with intention? We can work with you to mediate and help rediscover the center to bring members and place together again.

Let us be your guide

On this transition to a new way of being in the economy.