As founders and leaders of high-impact enterprises, how do you build future-proof strategies?

Business leaders are answering the call to build responsible companies and lean into stewardship by caring for the planet and people.

But realizing such a deep purpose is challenging in a rapidly changing world. Can an embodied purpose become both future-proof and future-kind? If so, how?

At Sacred Futures we exist to create the conditions for our relationships among the living world to thrive. We believe that a regenerative economy is possible only when we embody principles of renewal and reciprocity in our persons, and our systems and structures.

Through strategic advisory, purpose journeys, and capital innovation, we guide our partners in the creation and formation of new and adaptive models to affect these changes within the company ecosystem. We act as humble architects to help you reimagine and design the infrastructure necessary to regenerate life and tend to the future.

Get introduced to the Sacred Futures way, learn about why we exist and find out how we can partner with you to deepen your impact.

Explore our Offerings

  • governance & culture formation

    innovation design sprints

    multi-stakeholder engagement

    sustainable growth strategies

    steward ownership models

  • company succession planning

    purpose charter formation

    regenerative transition roadmap

  • applied regenerative economics

    creative financing vehicles

    due diligence, structure and negotiations

    integrated capital alignment

Evolve Hearts

Shift Capital

Regenerate Life

Evolve Hearts • Shift Capital • Regenerate Life •

How do we get there?

It’s not possible to make the shift necessary in our hearts until we acknowledge the sacred.

We cannot steward well the landscapes and complex interconnected systems until we see and revere essence and potential in people, and in all facets of the living world.

Onto a Sacred Future

In this era of the Anthropocene, we are rapidly approaching a tipping point. Each action and decision made will determine the outcome of the economy and the health and wellness of life as we know it. The severe alterations of our environment and the impact on the health of our living systems is approaching chaos. Chaos is like the spiritual journey into the dark night of the soul and presents an opportunity for re-formation.

The world that emerged after the global pandemic of 2019 is not the same. Rules of engagement are outdated. Over the next 10 to 20 years, we will witness a great transition of ownership and decision-making power known in the modern era. New leaders will arise and will lead companies and projects that will affect the evolution of our economic and social structures for generations to come. This includes how we engage with the advancements of technology and our tender to the planetary systems we participate in.

In the same era that we are experiencing commercialization of space travel, the Amazon forest is quickly disappearing, and artificial intelligence is upending every aspect of how we create and live.

Disruptive change is constant.

How will we respond?

Founders and leaders of high-impact enterprises, we see you and hear you. How do you navigate the spaces in between and take your place in the art of future-making that heals?

You are leaders of enterprises that exist for much more than just generating profits. You know that businesses have duty of care and loyalty to tend to people and our planetary systems. You know that operating in a rapidly changing world requires adaptability embedded in the strategies employed. You know that you want to bring your whole self to this work, finding alignment and congruency in shared values and operations of the enterprise.

Nobody has the single answer.

How do you align multiple stakeholders with your values to deliver on the purpose?

How do you renew the purpose if you are reaching an inflection point and need to develop future-proof strategies for acting on your mission?

How might you discover the intention necessary to sustain transformation well beyond a lifetime?

How do you preserve the purpose of the company as you think about transitioning ownership or evolving the structure of the organization?

These questions are complex and require space to sort out. This is the role that Sacred Futures is here to fulfill. Our role as an advisor and ‘re-imagineer’ is to help leaders, governments, enterprises explore the reflective questions to find the purpose and integrate the infrastructure that will cultivate renewal and reciprocity.